NR1 Web Design

A while ago, your website’s URL in the only entrance to your website. Since the emergence of search engines, more and more people gain access to websites not just by their URL, but via search engines as well. It’s often alarming to enter your business name and fail to find any results on a Google search. Why does this happen and would this be a quick fix?

1. Too many redundant keywords on your websites

Google has its own unique algorithm to search for a website that has keywords that are relevant to what users are searching for. Gone is the day when websites would try to cram a whole bunch of keywords onto a single page to cheat the system. This method simply doesn’t work nowadays and we highly recommend you to review your website to see if there are any duplicated keywords and content. Remove such keywords and content ASAP, because Google will penalize your site and eventually remove it from search results.

2. Fail to submit your site to Google Search Console

Maintaining visibility and presence among popular search engine providers is the number priority for a website. In order to be found on major search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, your own website first needs to be listed in their index.

3. Incorrect configuration on WordPress

An early mistake in my career was not double-checking this search engine indexing feature after launching websites. When a website is under construction, there is an option in WordPress to set the site to be invisible from search engines. Once your site goes public, you must uncheck this option in order for your site to be indexed by search engines.

4. Plagiarised and duplicated content

To stay competitive in the SEO world, we need to create content – a lot of content. However, many businesses find it hard to create a large amount of content within a limited amount of time and they chose to cut corners by copying existing articles. Not only it will affect your ranking, but you could also end up losing your site if the original writer reports you. Duplicated content also won’t help because Google only indexes content once, while all the duplicated content will not be taken into account.

5 Violated Google’s quality guidelines

Posting copyrighted content that you don’t own is one way to get blocked by Google. Also, if you attempt to fool the search engine in order to improve your site’s ranking, you will also risk being banned. Google has a very clear guideline on DOs and DON’Ts.



There is a quick check you can do right now: Simply type your business name and location on Google search, if you can’t find your business, send us an email and we will troubleshoot it for you. Remember, your business can’t afford to lose one day of invisibility on Google search!

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